Suzuki Membership Mishap

membership card - brighten, sharpen

So I was looking for a few notes I had taken at my teacher training yesterday and came across my Suzuki Association of the Americas card.  Much to my surprise (and dismay) I had accidentally let my membership expire… two months ago!  At first I was a bit sad and began scolding myself for being blissfully unaware, not caring enough to keep track, etc. What if parents had been searching for teachers in this vicinity and my name didn’t pop up? It did seem rather unprofessional of me, after all.

But then I decided to stop chiding myself about it and do something to fix it.  So I logged into my account at and lo and behold, there awaited a renewal notice. I paid my fee and noted that my membership expires every year in May, so I can be sure to be on top of it going forward.  Lesson learned!